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Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Summer Issue Call for Editorial

Call for editorial – Total Licensing Summer Issue

The deadline for editorial is 25 April 2012

In the Summer issue of Total Licensing, which will reach over 80,000 readers in 104 countries, major features include:
  • Licensing Expo 2012 Preview
  • Licensed food and drink
  • Celebrities and Personalities
  • Future of Licensing Roundtable

Territory spotlights:
  • Latin America
  • South Korea
  • Spain and Portugal

Bonus distribution of the magazine:
  • Licensing International Expo 2012, Las Vegas
  • Seoul Character Fair 2012, South Korea

In further detail...

Licensing Expo 2012 Preview:
As the industry prepares to gather for one of the most important dates on the licensing calendar, don’t miss this opportunity to let our readers know what you will be highlighting if exhibiting at the show.

Licensed food and drink:
A look at brands that have come from food, drink or culinary groups. This will include the growing industry of licensed famous chefs.

Celebrities and personalities:
A wide part of the industry, this will be a look at some of the top licensing programmes around celebs and personalities.

Future of Licensing Roundtable:
Heads of industry talk about and discuss the future of licensing.

Latin America:
Covering news and properties from the different countries in the territory, uncovering trends between these countries and looking at all the major licensing sectors.

Spain and Portugal:
Covering properties available in Iberia, key product lines, promotions, retail information and details of licensing companies working in the territory. Again, we will look to cover all licensing sectors including entertainment, movies, television, brands, fashion, sports, automotive, publishing etc etc.

South Korea:
As the Seoul Character Fair approaches, we take a look at the news and activities happening in this country.

Worldwide news:
Looking at important licensing news and trends from around the globe.

Don’t miss your chance to submit information into this issue. The deadline is 25 April.

To submit information, or for any further questions, please email either at, or

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Licensing@Russia Opens Its Doors

The international licensing community is attending the first annual Russian Licensing Trade Show and conference, which began on Wednesday March 14 2012 at Moscow’s Crocus Convention Center.

Over 20 property owners representing more 350 brands are exhibiting, including Disney, Warner Bros., Turner Cartoon Network, Sanrio (Hello Kitty), Nike, DreamWorks and Beverly Hills Polo Club.

Charles Riotto, President of LIMA, gave a keynote speech and noted that the total global licensing business is currently believed to be over $189 billion in retail sales and he expects Russia to become a significant contributor to the worldwide licensing industry in years to come.

Organizer and LIMA’s Regional Representative for New Europe, William Krnjak, said: “The excitement was palpable the first day because, in addition to the international notables who attended the show, leading Russian media giant Ilya Popov, president and founder of the Riki Group, expressed unbounded optimism about the tremendous potential of the licensing industry in his native country. Also attending were the production team of Russia’s largest independent television station, CTC.”

The first official licensing trade journal for the Russian market, Total Licensing New Europe, was introduced by Total Licensing.

Monday, 12 March 2012

is at Licensing@Russia!

We'll keep you posted on news from the show in Moscow...

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Total Licensing Italy now live

Total Licensing Italy is now live!

Brand new for 2012, Total Licensing Italy highlights the best of ‘Made in Italy’ both to its domestic market
And to overseas markets.

Total Licensing Italy will also be at the Bologna Licensing Trade Fair.

The magazine covers sections of industry including brands, art and design, fashion, sports, entertainment, and automotive – as well as licensee profiles, case studies, property highlights, and interviews and market research.

Please follow this link to read Total Licensing Italy:

And visit to see further information on all our publications and how to subscribe to both digital and printed issues.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Total Licensing Spring Issue - Call for Editorial!

The deadline for this issue is 16 February 2012
Don’t miss your chance to feature in what will be our biggest Spring issue yet, which will be published mid-March.

Key features:
  • Children’s Publishing
  • Children’s Television and Animation
  • Australia Special Issue (see below)

Territory Spotlights:
  • Italy
  • France
  • Nordic

In addition to its regular distribution, the magazine will see bonus distribution at:
  • MIP:TV
  • Bologna Book Fair/Licensing Fair
  • Kazachok Licensing Forum
  • Cartoons on the Bay

Key features:
Children’s Publishing
This feature will cover classic well-known properties that have come out of a publishing base and also take a look at publishing products using licenses from anywhere in the world. As Bologna Book Fair continues to grow, this feature ties-in well with the wide ranging scope of licensing in the publishing sector.

Children's Television and Animation
This feature will focus on children’s television and animation, with a focus on MIPTV, which takes place 1-4 April 2012 and is the international spring market for showcasing TV in all its forms. If you are exhibiting or visiting the fair with your licensed properties, don’t miss your chance to be in this preview.

Territory Spotlights:
Brand new for 2012, and launching at the Bologna Book Fair, Total Licensing Italy is intended to highlight the best of ‘Made in Italy’ both to its domestic market
and, importantly, to overseas markets.
Published in Italian and English, Total Licensing Italy is designed specifically to create dialogue between all aspects of the Italian licensing marketplace and overseas markets and contents and editorial will be designed to cater for this. Each issue will focus on different aspects of the business and spotlight brands, licensed products, retail and specialist services. This magazine has the same deadline as the Spring issue – 16 February 2012.

Taking a look at the French marketplace and previewing the Kazachok Licensing Forum, if you have French properties, or those which are licensed in the country, retail, product, broadcasting news, then send us information for the feature. This issue will see wide distribution at Kazachok Licensing Forum.

An in-depth look at what is happening throughout the Scandinavian territories.

Worldwide News
In addition to feature material, do please make sure you update us with your latest licensing news. Our readers are in 104 countries around the world and this is your opportunity to let these licensees and retailers know about your licensing activities - literally around the world.

Deadline 1 February 2012

Total Licensing Australia, which is a supplement in the Spring issue, and a standalone publication at the Melbourne Toy Fair, is the only magazine which takes a complete look at the licensing industry in the country. If you are working in Australia or with Australian business, in every sector of the industry, then don’t miss your chance to be part of this issue.
The deadline for Total Licensing Australia is 1 February 2012

In addition to its printed formats, Total Licensing is published digitally. To see past issues and subscribe free of charge to receive digital issues, please visit our website
The deadline is 16 February 2012 at the very latest.

How to send information:

Please send information, with images in high resolution electronic files in jpg, eps or tiff format, to:
Becky Ash
Francesca Ash

Or by post:
Total Licensing | 4 Wadhurst Business Park | Faircrouch Lane | Wadhurst | East Sussex | TN5 6PT | UK

For any queries, please do get in touch
+44 (0) 1892 78 2220 / +44 (0) 1892 78 2266

We really look forward to working with you in what is set to be our biggest Spring issue yet, as well as our satellite publications Total Licensing Italy and Total Licensing Australia!

Best regards

Becky Ash